Since yesterday there is an entrance via land to the community of Paso de la Reina. The community have also received provisions from the following organisations, persons and institutions: from the Parroquia de Jamiltepec, the inhabitants of Paso that live in Jamiltepec, from the federal delegate Delfina Guzmán (PRD), EDUCA and CEE, and 470 provisions from SEDESOH. Leonor Díaz Santos, from the Diocesan Commission of Jamiltepec, commented on the photos taken yesterday: “This is what has happened to the fertile lands skirting the Rio Verde, suffering terrible losses in corn production, the community of Paso de la Reina are assembling waterways order to divert the streams and rearrange their roads. The municipal police force arrived to take photos of the community
and falsely corroborate that they were working and that the community was receiving technical assistance in rearranging their roads. The last image again reveals that the community of Paso de la Reina continues to battle the torrents of water caused by continued rainfall, and that there is a high risk of getting trapped between the streams, meaning that the entrance to the community remains complicated.” This implies that regardless of the provisions that have reached the community, aid and monitoring is still highly necessary. We will be providng a link on the EDUCA website shortly for those who want to give aid to the community of Paso de la Reina.
Paso de la Reyna, standing and organizing for humanitarian aid – PARTICIPATE