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Stop the militarization and Human Rights Violations in Oaxaca : Civil Organizations

By 19 agosto, 2015 Sin Comentarios

IMG 20150818 114017To social organizations    

To society in general

To the media

To the federal and state governments

After days of intense street fighting and resistance in 2006, the Oaxacan people cherished the hope of a change in the exercise of power, and did not hesitate to vote for Gabino Cue Monteagudo. However, after four and a half years, far from eradicating the serious and systematic human rights violations, the current government indifference and lack of action deepened the long time serious situation of injustice that the state had lived. Proof of this is that so far remain unpunished all the grievances committed by the government against the social movement in 2006, a suspicious impunity that shows the existence of a fact amnesty for crimes against humanity committed during the previous administration, headed by Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. In Oaxaca, a state of emergency exists undeclared. The military and police presence arranged between Gabino Cue and Enrique Peña Nieto evidences the policy of criminalization to the social protest. To “guarantee” the Election Day was only an excuse to set Oaxaca, in fact, under siege.

Two and a half years after Enrique Peña Nieto arrived as the Mexican Republic President; we have seen the violation of human rights far from being an anomaly, systematically practiced as part of the customary government policy through its militarized federal state; the disappearance of 43 students in Ayotzinapa, illegal and arbitrary arrests of protesters, hundreds of people imprisoned for political reasons, thousands tortured and disappeared who are not even registered, extrajudicial executions as Calera, Ostula and Tlatlaya, murders of defenders, advocates and journalists, widespread feminicide and the great economic debacle the country is in, which undoubtedly deepen the gap of poverty and inequality.

As has happened in other times in history, today the State openly began its military and police “politic”, against all social movements and manifestations

In Oaxaca you can clearly observe the operation of the federal government in collusion with Gabino Cue, with a number of cases ranging from recognized historical and social leaders murdered that still unpunished, the state police collaboration with the army, navy and the PGR to maintain high security prison and indicted on federal charges to various community leaders, the various acts of wiretapping, surveillance, harassment, death threats or direct attacks against human rights defenders and journalists, that have been increasing at the government refusal to carry out serious investigations that result in convictions and sentences against those responsible. Responses to the request for guarantees are palliative, as well as the simulation of consulting indigenous people and communities, surrounded by police and soldiers.

In this context, it is clear that the recent announcement of demising the Oaxaca State Institute of Education, seeks only to generate a smokescreen, a screen to justify the repression of the social movement, because the state and federal governments have never taken a genuine anti-corruption, human rights and even less, an education strengthening policy.

Today more than ever, those who subscribe to the hereby express our condemnation to the actions of simulation by Gabino Cue, and we demand him to assume his role with responsibility that far from contributing to governance, his actions generate polarization and breakdown of the social fabric.

We demand to Gabino Cue, the immediate withdrawal of military and state police forces.

We recognize the success of the Oaxacan teachers’ movement, which did not fall into provocation to violence promoted by the Federation, recent example is the police-military takeover of the schools, and we call to avoid confrontation; the government expects an excuse to annihilate the main benchmark of resistance in the country

We make a fraternal call to organizations, indigenous towns and communities, neighbourhoods, student movements, women, everyone involved for social change to create a strategic joint, knowing that we have to deal with policy devastation against the social movement that openly decreed the federal and state governments.

The relevance of this historical moment demands that we act accordingly.


Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, August 13th 2015,


Servicios para una Educación Alternativa  (EDUCA) A.C., Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca A.C., Centro de Apoyo al Movimiento Popular Oaxaqueño (CAMPO) A.C.,  CODIGODH, Tequio Jurídico,  Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario Centéotl A.C., Centro de Apoyo para la Educación y Creatividad Calpulli A.C., Iniciativa Ciudadana Oaxaca, Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos Limeddh-Oaxaca,  Feminismo Comunitario tejido Oaxaca, Colectivo Mujer Nueva, Comité de familiares y amigos “Damián Gallardo Martínez”, VOCAL, Luna del Sur A.C., Diversidades y No Discriminación A.C., Ojo de Agua Comunicación A.C., Colectivo Bolivariano Oaxaca,  Cultura, educación y desarrollo para la autonomía en México (CEDAM) A.C., Red de Jóvenes Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Oaxaca,   Asesoría Integral y Litigios Estratégicos a Pueblos Originarios (ASER-LITIGIO) A.C., Centro para los Derechos de la Mujer Nääxwiin A..C., MONOPAKÜY A.C., Iniciativas para el Desarrollo de la Mujer Oaxaqueña, Grupo Mesófilo, CAI Piña Palmera A.C., CIARENA A.C., Comunidades campesinas y urbanas solidarias con alternativas (COMCAUSA) A.C., UNOSJO S.C.,  MUNGIER NDYUCH Defensoras del Mar A.C.,  Comité de América Látina y el Caribe para la defensa de los derechos de la Mujer (CLADEM-OAXACA),  Equipo Pueblo, Herramientas para el buen vivir A.C. Servicios Universitarios y Redes de conocimiento en Oaxaca (SURCO) A.C., UACOL, Colectiva Feminista Mujeres Lilas, Fomento Lectura A.C., Organizaciones Indias por los Derechos Humanos en Oaxaca (OIDHO), A.C,  Coordinación Multilateral Magisterial,  Unión de Pueblos Originarios UPO, CIPO-RFM, Frente de Izquierda Revolucionario, Frente Nacional Indígena Campesino Democrático, Partido Popular Socialista, Colectivo 14 de Junio de la Villa de Putla de Guerrero, ComunaOaxaca, Alianza Indígena Ciudadana Ojiteca, UTE-FPR,  FENIC-D. Movimiento de Unificación de Lucha Triqui (MULT),  Colectivo del Movimiento de Educación Popular y  Unión Cívica Democrática de Barrios Colonias y Comunidades (UCCIDEBAC), , Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo (UCIZONI), Radio Comunitaria Las Voces de Los Pueblos 102.1 FM, Frente de Pueblos del Bajo Mixe y Choapam.


Boletín y pronunciamiento en español:
