Residents of Paso de la Reyna are standing, working and organizing themselves. The community, through its own efforts, is carrying out “tequios” (unpaid community works and service)–cleaning up (after the flood) and a team of young people left this Monday to obtain food and supplies in the municipal center of Santiago Jamiltepec, and had food for the community today. They have re-established electricity and telephone service, but potable water is scarce. The municipal president and the Comisiariado Ejidal (head of the community commons) left for the municipal center of Jamiltepec to report on the damages done by the flooding, the municipality has been declared a disaster zone. Compañera Julia Herrera of the Diocese Commission today is organizing a caravan to bring food and other humanitarian aid to Paso de la Reyna. Compañera Leonor Díaz in Tututepec is coordinating storage facilities for humanitarian donations. We are currently monitoring other communities and municipalities that are members of the Council of Peoples United in Defense of the Rio Verde (COPUDEVER), but don´t yet have news, especially from San Antonio Río Verde, Ixtayutla and Tataltepec.
ACT: To contact the humanitarian storage center about donations in the coastal region: Humanitarian Aid Center, Santa Rosa de Lima. Casa de Tere Cordero. Tel: (52) Country Code 954 543 8000. For information from Leonor of the Diocese Commission, Tel: (52) 954 559 1460. For information from Paso de la Reina, Hugo Gómez, Tel. (52) 954 962 2629. COPUDEVER is arranging a bank account number to receive cash deposits for humanitarian aid, tomorrow we will have those details. (Photo: Rio Verde, Jamilitepec, Oaxaca. Watch the video Todos Somos Tututepec (1 min.) and the Noticias video (4 min.) read also the report in spanish “Los calzones”, lo unico que le dejó el Rio Verde. More information at Palabras de alerta desde San Pedro Amuzgos (Tzjon noan), Dañan “Ingrid” y “Manuel” sistema de agua potable en Oaxaca, Devastan lluvias cultivos de maiz
How to support the communities of COPUDEVER
We would like to inform you that there is an entrance to the community via land since wednesday, thanks to the road reconstruction work of the community members, carried out by means of colective action.
On the other hand, we would like to communicate a request for economic support in the face of the havoc wreaked by cyclones ‘Ingrid’ and ‘Manuel’ in the communities that make up the Counsel of Peooples United for the Defense of the Rio Verde (COPUDEVER). To donate funds please see the account details below:
Bank: HSBC
Name: Eloy Cruz Gregorio
Account Number: 6394574175
Standardized Bank Code (if necessary): 02 1636063945741759