A new social class is about to appear in the Mexican countryside. It is the class of the energy latifundios.
The new legislation not only allows for the plunder of the land and territories of ejido [land owned and worked by indigenous communities, granted by Mexican government at the end of the Mexican Revolution] members, communal land owners [indigenous land granted back by the King of Spain during the colonial period] and small landowners, but also concentrates a large part of the land once again into a few hands: those of the large hydrocarbon and electricity companies.
The energy companies will have no limit on the amount of land they acquire or “occupy temporarily” to extract petroleum or gas or to generate electricity. There will be no restrictions on their access to water, either. They will be the new latifundistas.
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For more information see: Mexico Energy Reform Will Allow Foreign Mining Companies to Continue Devastating the Land, Mexico Peasant Farmer Organizations Announce Rebellion Against Energy Reform, Indigenous organizations and peoples consider federal reforms to be “a legalized land grab”