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Civil Society demands UN attention to Human Rights recommendations

By 5 noviembre, 2018 Sin Comentarios

Civil society organization “EDUCA – Una Educación Alternativa A.C.” strongly advises the UN to include the following suggestions in their final recommendations release at the end of the UPR evaluation on Human Rights in Mexico.

These suggestions include and consider the current Human Rights situation in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, as it was documented and listed by various civil society organizations within Oaxaca.

under attack

  1. Cancel the Educational Reform and perform a consultation process with various actors of educational institutions to establish an education which is aligned to stress the right of education of girls and boys and addresses cultural differences as well as social and economic inequalities in Mexico.
  2. Convict and punish those who are perpetrators of human rights violations that were reported by the Oaxaca Truth Commission. Design a mechanism to guarantee the right of truth and justice within the framework of transnational justice.
  3. Guarantee free exercise to defend human rights, including social protest.
  4. Evaluate national and state mechanisms responsible for the protection of human rights defenders and journalists to detect their effectiveness and the coordination between federal and state level.
  5. Thoroughly review the listed cases of arbitrary detention involving the relevant civilian groups to ensure proper criminal prosecution.Resumption of current legislation and the UPR’s past recommendations on “arraigo” and preventive detention.
  6. Implement mechanisms endowed with trained personnel and budget at federal and state levels, related to the LGPIST (“General Law to Prevent, Investigate and Punish Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”).
  7. Evaluate public policy and state budget available for the investigation and punishment of torture.
  8. Establish a legal framework that guarantees media companies to comply with legal labor obligations, as minimum wages, social security and benefits of law.
  9. Harmonize the government´s legal framework with international human rights standards, in recognition of the right to self-determination, autonomy and territory of indigenous peoples and communities.
  10. Immediately approve the constitutional reform on the rights of the Indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples, as it was demanded in the initiative presented in 2014, at the Oaxaca State Congress.
  11. Generate a state information system that safeguards the rights of girls, boys and adolescents, that yields sustained figures and that allows the evaluation of public policies and social programs aimed at this sector.
  12. Promote a citizens´ observatory on the rights of children and adolescents in the state of Oaxaca, with the participation of civil society.
  13. Review the legal framework, public policy and budget to rise attention, sanction and eradicate feminicide violence.
  14. Guarantee the full exercise of women´s political rights in service to their communities and political participation in service and representative positions.
  15. Guarantee the right of legal abortion for all adolescents and adults who request it.


Download: Under attack. Human Rights in Oaxaca 2013-2018. Citizen report (PDF, 32 pp.)
