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IPRI: Annual Report on Criminalization, Violence, and Impunity against Indigenous Peoples

Mexico is plagued with social inequality, severe violence with alarming levels of murders, forced displacements and disappearances in a framework of macro- criminality and State neglect. In this context, indigenous communities live in a situation where inequality, poverty, violence and impunity deepen and escalate. The condition particularly affects those who defend their collective rights to territories and self-determination against industrial megaprojects. These are aggravated with the authorities’ continued disregard to guarantee, respect and protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI) published the annual report on “Criminalization, Violence and Impunity against Indigenous Peoples”, documenting cases of human rights violations in the Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Brasil, Colombia and Mexico.

In 2021, the organizations that form IPRI’s core group in Mexico have recorded 16 cases of human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples which can be consulted in the full report “Harassment and Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples in Mexico.” One of the cases highlights the “violence and impunity in Oaxaca: the community of Paso de la Reyna”.

Download: Annual Report on Criminalization, Violence, and Impunity against Indigenous Peoples (pdf, 65 pág.)
