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4 years and 7 months on, presumed murderer of human-rights defenders is apprehended

By 9 febrero, 2015 Sin Comentarios

310003 10152751160285117 1506010008 nOn 21 January, Elías Cruz Merino, leader of the Movement for Triqui Unification and Struggle (MULT) and official of San Juan Copala, was arrested as one of the presumed murderers of the human-rights defenders Bety Cariño y Jyri Jaakkola (Finnish). Both were killed in April 2010 as they participated in a humanitarian caravan headed to San Juan Copala. Cruz Merino is accused of the premeditated murder of the two activists.

Since April of last year, the National Association of Democratic Lawyers denounced that those responsible for the murders had been plainly identified, but that the government had refused to implement the corresponding arrest-orders.

For more information see: Parents of Jyri Jaakola visit Mexico for fifth time to demand justice,  Mexico promises justice for unsolved murders,  Human rights defender Mr Omar Esparza Zárarte on hunger strike over impunity for the assassination of Bety Cariño, Public letter by civil society demands justice 4 Bety Cariño & Jyri Jaakkola, In response to 4 years of impunity, hunger strikes and protests taken to resist murders of Bety Cariño and Jyri Jaakkola
