It looks like many Coca-Cola ads with long-haired teenagers teaching the world to sing or sharing a Coke and a smile. But the new “Open Your Heart” campaign by Coca-Cola Mexico is coming under fire.
Consumer rights and health groups are calling on the Mexican government to ban the promotional video depicting young white people handing out Coke as a service project at an indigenous community in southern Oaxaca state.
Campaign groups call for ban on, saying it attacks the dignity of native communities of Oaxaca that have serious health and obesity problems. The Christmas advertisement released by Coca-Cola in Mexico has been described as ‘outrageous’ by consumer rights and health groups for what they say is an undignified portrayal of indigenous communities and for contributing to their deteriorating health.
It has been criticised for its depiction of light-skinned, model-like young people joyously constructing a Coca-Cola tree in town and hauling in coolers of Coke. The ad was publicly posted on a Coca-Cola YouTube channel until Tuesday night (01.12.2015) when it was removed, after news of the campaign about it broke.
The ad shows young women and men joyously sawing wood, welding and painting before they playfully head off in an El Camino pickup to the eastern mountains of Oaxaca where Totontepec is located. They build a red tree with Coca-Cola lights to the smiles, hugs and appreciation of the locals, who belong to the Mixe community. Across the lighted tree are the words “We will stay united” in the Mixe language.
Read more
Full Article The Guardian: Coca-Cola under fire over ad showing Coke handout to indigenous people
Video: Coca-Cola’s Christmas ad panned for insulting indigenous Mexicans
Tele Sur: This New Coca Cola Ad Shows Mexico’s White Savior Problem
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This New Coca Cola Ad Shows Mexico’s White Savior Problem This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
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This New Coca Cola Ad Shows Mexico’s White Savior Problem This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address:
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Washington Post: Groups ask Mexico to pull Coca-Cola ad on indigenous